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Exiting Mainstreet: Michael Lynch on How to Sell a Smaller Business

July 12, 2024 |  

About this episode


In this week’s episode of Built to Sell Radio, John Warrillow interviews Michael Lynch, the creator of TinyPilot, a hardware device that allows users to remotely control their computers without installing any software.  

Like most small companies, TinyPilot was a Main Street business with around $1 million in revenue and roughly $250,000 in profit, so Michael’s story is a revealing snapshot of a typical exit for the majority of small businesses. In this episode, you’ll discover how to: 

  • Sell a Main Street business. 
  • Handle a low-ball offer. 
  • Escape the feeling of being trapped inside your business. 
  • Distinguish between selling your shares vs. your assets. 
  • Avoid legal snafus during diligence. 

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Due-Diligence: This is a comprehensive appraisal of a business or investment undertaken before a merger, acquisition, or investment. It seeks to validate the information provided and uncover any potential risks or liabilities.

Earn-out: This is a financing arrangement for the purchase of a business, where the seller must meet certain performance goals before receiving the full purchase price. It reduces the buyer’s risk and aligns the interests of both parties post-acquisition.

About Our Guest

Michael Lynch

Michael Lynch is a developer and blogger with a background in the tech industry who graduated from Columbia University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science. Michael has worked as a software engineer at Microsoft and Google and as a security engineer at NCC Group. He was the founder of TinyPilot, a company known for its solutions in remote server management. Michael shares his experiences and insights on software development, security, and entrepreneurship on his blog. 

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