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Want to Help Clients Create a ‘Built to Sell’ Company?

The book Built to Sell inspired the company Value Builder, which offers an assessment tool that helps advisors start The Endgame Conversation© with a business owner. The “owner-friendly” Value Builder Report includes a thumbnail valuation and an action plan for improving it. Our network of advisors has started 70,000 strategic conversations using our assessments. Advisors leveraging The Value Builder Report in their sales process see a 60% increase in fees, as it reframes their coaching from an expense to a valuable investment in the eyes of the business owner.

Value Builder advisors also get a marketing system for starting The Endgame Conversation©. We offer a done-for-you, white-labeled drip marketing program called Nurture Cycle that warms owners up to the idea of having a strategic conversation with you. We include a library of e-books and presentation templates you can leverage to position yourself as an exit expert. All of our content is pre-tested and optimized using our proprietary panel of 25,000 business owners which is how we achieve open rates that are twice the industry average. This means you double the number of strategic conversations you start.

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What our Advisors Say

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Since we got The Value Builder System™  our revenue has more than doubled. The business has grown significantly, and The Value Builder System™ is a big part of that.

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Before The Value Builder System™ assessing clients took 2 weeks to a it  only takes 15 to 30 minutes.

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Pre Value Builder System we were sending 100% of our customers away.

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If you developed this process [with The Value Builder System™] you will become their most trusted advisor.

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Build, Accelerate and Harvest the Value of Your Company

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