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3 x EBITDA To 13 x EBITDA In Just 2.5 Years

April 4, 2018 |  

About this episode


Embanet broke just about every rule there is for running a company and still sold for $200M.

To read a transcript of this episode, click here.

Jeffrey Feldberg and Stephen Wells founded Embanet to help colleges take learning online.  Embanet provided hosting, tech support, course conversion, and then moved into helping universities and colleges fill the online programs.

Despite their unorthodox management style, Feldberg and Wells built Embanet to 200 employees in just 7 years. When they decided to exit, they had $18M in EBITDA and 80 interested buyers. They sold for $200M, which was around 13x EBITDA.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What a cockroach startup is and why it may be a good option for you
  • The benefits of bootstrapping and having cash restraints
  • The downside of budgeting
  • How many months cash flow you should have in your war chest
  • The dangers of focusing too much on revenue
  • The biggest mistake they made in selling (and why Feldberg and Wells believe they left 20% on the table)
  • Secret clauses and negotiating tactics to use in your engagement letter with your M&A professional

Feldberg and Wells estimate they could have gotten 20% more for their company if they’d developed a more professional executive management team and not been as involved in the day-to-day management of their business. We call this being stuck in the “Owner’s Trap”, and Module 7 of The Value Builder System™ shows you how to get out of it. Start right now by completing Module 1.

Check out our article on Study Reveals Companies With Higher Chance Of Receiving 8 Times EBITDA Offer.

Check out our full M&A Glossary

About Our Guest

For over two decades Jeffrey Feldberg has been an entrepreneur on a mission to change the social fabric of society through his companies that operate in the real estate, healthcare, and education sectors. Feldberg co-founded Embanet and the Embanet Knowledge Group which had a successful 9-figure exit in 2007. Since his exit, Feldberg continues to operate his companies while helping entrepreneurs maximize their success and fulfillment. In this role, Feldberg’s motto is “Your Success. My Obsession.” Feldberg lives in Toronto.

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