About this episode
Find out how Erik Van Horn went from running a business for only two hours a week to making an eight-figure exit.
To read a transcript of this episode, click here.
Can you actually thrive in an industry you don’t know much about?
According to Erik Van Horn, former franchise owner of Sola Salon Studios, you sure can.
Achieving his success as a franchise owner always looking for the next deal, Van Horn stumbled across the salon industry in 2014. Though a new-found territory, Van Horn and his business partners invested in Sola Salon Studios and grew to own 12 locations in Orange County, California by 2018.
All the while, Van Horn remained a ‘non-expert’ in the industry and only dedicated a couple of hours each week to the business he was able to evolve into a multi-million-dollar enterprise.
So, how did he reach an eight-figure exit?
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- The ‘Bad Boy Clause’ and why Van Horn recommends it for partnerships
- How to calculate your ‘Dream Number’
- How to protect yourself from landlord and lease delays
- “TI” dollars and what they could mean for your business.
- The idiosyncrasies and nuances of selling a franchise
One of the keys to Van Horn’s success is identifying business breaks where he can be a ‘semi-absentee’ owner. Finding ways to make your business’s operations less dependent on you is explored in Module 7 of The Value Builder System™. Get started for free right now by completing Module 1.
About Our Guest
Erik Van Horn is an entrepreneur and franchise consultant who has worn just about every hat in the franchise industry over the last two decades. He is a practice what you preach kind of guy, who speaks from his success, both as a franchisee and a regional developer. Van Horn is an expert in multi-brand, multi-unit franchising, and semi-absentee business ownership. He’s owned and expanded 6 different brands in 8 states, mostly from the comfort of his home!