About this episode
Dan Bradbury was growing a successful business right up until the day he had a cycling accident. The business suffered in his absence and Bradbury decided to sell, but the offer he received revealed his weakened negotiating position.
Most of our Built to Sell Radio episodes have been success stories but this week’s show is a cautionary tale of what happens when you don’t plan ahead. It features Dan Bradbury, a young entrepreneur who was growing a successful business right up until the day he had a cycling accident and ended up in a coma.
Bradbury made a full recovery after seven months, but his business didn’t make out as well. It suffered in his absence, and instead of committing to build it back up upon his recovery, Bradbury decided to sell it, reasoning he needed to safeguard his family’s finances should anything bad happen again. After a long search, Bradbury found a buyer but the offer he received revealed his weakened negotiating position. You’ll hear Bradbury’s cautionary tale along with:
- How to build leverage into your negotiations.
- Why you need a BATNA (Best Alternative To A Negotiated Agreement) when exiting your business.
- How you can you-proof your business.
- How you can use accretive value to your advantage.
Does your business pass the ‘hit-by-a-bus’ test?
Like Bradbury, many of us will end up in the hospital at some point in our lives. If your business isn’t able to cope without you, its value will be reduced dramatically. The Value Builder System™ is a 12-step process we use to separate you from your business, so that upon graduation you have a business that can chug along without you. A you-proofed business will be much more valuable—and garner more attractive deal terms—than if it is dependent on you. Complete the first step of The Value Builder System™ now by getting your Value Builder Score.
About Our Guest
Starting with nearly $200,000 in personal debt and failing in his first attempt at an info-business, Dan Bradbury discovered Dan Kennedy and true direct-response. Within 10 months, he grew a seven-figure income, and became that year’s Infusionsoft Ultimate Marketer. Since then, he’s built five other info-businesses, each generating from six-figures to millions in income, sold one in 2013 for a seven-figure sum, and now invests in some businesses and consultants with others, creating epic growth wherever he plies his well-evolved system.