What’s Your Company’s Name Worth

May 17, 2017 |  

About this episode


In the early 2000s, Carl Gould gained notoriety in New Jersey for building upscale modular and log homes under the banner Outdoor Imaging. Gould invested heavily in growing his reputation in the New Jersey market.

Carl Gould  gained notoriety in New Jersey for building upscale modular and log homes.

When Gould decided it was time to get out of the business, he did an inventory of his assets. There was some equipment and existing contracts, but he reasoned his name and reputation in the community were also worth buying. In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How to sell your company name.
  • Why some buyers make the mistake of discounting your company name in negotiations (and how to get value for it).
  • One simple change Gould made that transformed his construction business almost overnight.
  • How to value contract revenue.

Are you leveraging recurring revenue?

As you’ll hear, Gould’s first exit was a landscaping business that was valued based on recurring contracts. Contracts are one of the six types of recurring revenue you’ll learn how to leverage when you complete The Automatic Customer Builder exercise in Module 5 of The Value Builder System™. Get started now by completing your Value Builder questionnaire now.

Check out our article on 10 Strategies For Building The Value Of Your Company.

Check out our full M&A Glossary

About Our Guest

Carl Gould is an authority on business growth who advises organizations to grow to the next level. He is an entrepreneur who built three multi-million dollar businesses by age 40. His consulting firm, 7 Stage Advisors, has mentored the launch of over five thousand businesses. He has advised over 100 of the Inc. 500/5000 Fastest-Growing Companies, and currently works with the 9th fastest-growing company in NJ. Gould created the farthest-reaching business mentoring organization in the world, and his methodologies are in practice in 35 countries. He has trained, certified or accredited over 7,000 Business Coaches and Mentors since 2002.

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